Sustainable Agriculture
At Broken Arrow Ranch we realize that we are only one part of the puzzle when it comes to the environment. We do, however, feel that we should do our part by following the principles of sustainable agriculture. As ranchers, we are aware of the damage that over-grazing the land can cause. We also know the damage that the over-population of animals can cause within a species.
We work with a variety of farmers and ranchers who also believe in sustainable agriculture in order to help maintain the herds of axis deer, antelope, and wild boar that populate the plains of Texas. Some of these animals, such as the wild boar, have no natural predator in their environment. Others, such as the axis deer, have thrived in the Texas environment and multiplied abundantly.
By working with the farmers that know these lands intimately, we are able to determine how many of each type of animal the land can support. We then selectively harvest the overabundance of animals.
This process of sustainable agriculture benefits everyone. It benefits the farmers, who are compensated for the animals harvested. It benefits the animals, since without the thinning of the herds, there would not be adequate food and disease would be more easily spread. It benefits our customers who are able to buy meat that is not tainted with hormones or antibiotics. It benefits Broken Arrow Ranch as we have ready access to a predetermined number of animals. Finally, it benefits the planet because every meal that is prepared using our meat is one less meal prepared using the land and labor intensive meat provided by commercial feedlots.